You will need to download its apk first- OTA_UPDATER_DWONLAOD
You will also require all 4 patch zips from above post.
You will also require all 4 patch zips from above post.
- Put OTAUpdater-1.0.5.apk in system/app folder.
- Edit build prop by notepad++ and add these three lines:-Code:
otaupdater.otaid=<ROM ID any you can pick> otaupdater.otatime=<Date/time of this build in yyyymmdd-hhmm format> otaupdater.otaver=<The human-readable version number/name>
otaupdater.otaid=xos otaupdater.otatime=20130930-1553 otaupdater.otaver=1.0
- Now you are good to receive and send OTA update to your Rom....but first you have to setup account online.
Registering Device Online - Go to and Register there.
- After successful registration,click on +Add Rom.A form will be opened then.Fill it.
- 1)Enter Rom name same as you written in build prop display id.
- 2)Enter ROM OTA ID (as in build.prop)
- 3)Enter ROM version (as in build.prop)
- 4)Enter OTA date/time here (yyyymmdd-hhmm, as in build.prop).
- 5)Enter download url.(put any URL right now,we are just adding rom first)
- 6)Enter MD5 file-hash.(put any file md5 check sum.we will edit it when we provide update)
- 7)Put any Change log...write anything
- 8)On last column put the name of your device same as in build prop "ro.product.device= ".In my case i use a110q and here is my code in build prop:-Code:
- Lastly do not tick on check box as it will make OTA private.
- Now your device is registered.
- Create update using any of my 4 files which you need to update.Lets assume you want to update an apk or add an apk,so you will use my only system folder patch zip.
- Now open my provide zip using 7zip and drag and drop your apk with its path.As i provided patch with only system folder and no path forward.So open system folder and right click and create folder,name it "app" and then open app and drag apk in it.
- If you were updating bootanimation then you should create media folder under system folder of my zip.
- Now after making patches done.Download the Sign-em! from HERE and extract it anywhere.
- You will get input,output and some more files....put your zip in input and run "sign-em.bat",it will sign your update zip and also give you its md5checksum.Signing your update is necessary.
- After signing zip upload it to drop-box (suggested and tested) and after upload finished,click on download button and copy its url which is generated after that.Means copy url which is prompt in download manager if you using.If you do not use this url then OTA will not work.
- Again open and go to rom list and click on update rom.
- This time put download URL which was generated after clicking download button on dropbox in URL box and also put its md5 checsum which was generated in output folder text file of sign-em!!
- And change version also,put 2.0 in version if earlier 1.0,you can also put 1.1 or 1.2 any you want but change it.
- And lastly put new date and time as per its format and give your update description if you want.
- Check all things then click Update.All done you are good to get update.
- Your mobile should have data connection enabled all time during this process.
- if any confusion ask me or see faq on
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